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Sommerer & Co (Arlesheim)

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About Us

Markus Sommerer is the third generation to manage the Sommerer nursery. After his father, Thomas Sommerer, had gradually developed the family business over 30 years and strengthened direct sales in particular, Markus Sommerer was determined to expand his capabilities in the field of patio, garden and indoor planting. In the next lines you can read about everything else that has happened in the last almost 60 years.

Sommerer & Co. nursery was founded in 1949 by Hans and Clärli Sommerer.

In the beginning it was a small production company (potted plants and cut flowers), but over the years it expanded continuously. Besides the main location in Arlesheim, mainly cut flowers were cultivated in the Aschen plant in Aesch. The products were mainly delivered to flower stores in Basel and to the Zurich Flower Exchange.

In addition, private individuals could buy plants and arrangements in the small flower store of the nursery. In the eighties, the retail business accelerated considerably. Today, the company is one of the leading Sommerer & Co. garden centers in the Basel region and offers its customers attractive shopping opportunities with its attractive range of products and customer-friendly service.

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Location and contact

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Sommerer & Co

  • office address office address

    Mattweg 85 4144 Arlesheim

  • Thomas Sommerer

  • Phone Phone
    0617... Show number 061 701 19 10
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Sommerer & Co

Mon - Fr
08:30 - 12:15 opening hours
13:30 - 18:30 opening hours
08:30 - 16:00 opening hours
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